martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Ad Retargeting

Consumer Search Insights.

How do you feel about companies tracking your online behavior to target ads?

Surprisingly, nearly 1 in 11 people like ad retargeting. However, over 3 in 5 people dislike it.

response All�(1250)�
I dislike it because it feels creepy 62.3%�(+3.1 / -3.3)
I don't care either way 29.3%�(+3.1 / -2.9)
I like more relevant ads 8.3%�(+2.3 / -1.9)

Women tend to think being stalked by ads is creepier than men do.

vote Men�(822)� Women�(428)�
I dislike it because it feels creepy 60.6%�(+3.7 / -3.8) 64.1%�(+5.0 / -5.3)
I don't care either way 30.0%�(+3.6 / -3.4) 28.7%�(+5.1 / -4.6)
I like more relevant ads 9.5%�(+2.6 / -2.1) 7.2%�(+4.2 / -2.7)

Younger people who are old enough to be starting families tend to be more financially stressed than most other age groups, so they are likely more appreciative of relevant ads tied to discounts & such. Younger people have also used the web for so much of their lives that they are not as creeped out by tracking & privacy issues as older people are. People in retirement also like relevant ads, perhaps in part because they are feeling the Ben "printing press gone wild but no inflation" Bernake pinch & see their fixed income retirements collapse under artificially low interest rates tied to money printing game.

age 18-24 year-olds�(372)� 25-34 year-olds�(270)� 35-44 year-olds�(150)� 45-54 year-olds�(217)� 55-64 year-olds�(164)� 65+ year-olds�(77)�
I dislike it because it feels creepy 60.2%�(+4.8 / -5.0) 52.3%�(+6.3 / -6.4) 65.1%�(+7.2 / -8.0) 66.0%�(+6.1 / -6.6) 66.6%�(+6.9 / -7.7) 55.7%�(+11.2 / -11.8)
I don't care either way 33.6%�(+4.9 / -4.6) 35.0%�(+6.4 / -5.9) 25.5%�(+7.6 / -6.3) 27.9%�(+6.4 / -5.6) 26.9%�(+7.5 / -6.3) 33.5%�(+11.9 / -10.1)
I like more relevant ads 6.2%�(+2.9 / -2.0) 12.7%�(+5.1 / -3.8) 9.5%�(+5.9 / -3.8) 6.1%�(+3.9 / -2.5) 6.4%�(+5.2 / -2.9) 10.7%�(+9.1 / -5.2)

People from the west coast are perhaps slightly more aware of the risks of online tracking. People from the south couldn't care either way. In the midwest the stereotype of the mom who clips coupons is shown in the data (though the sample size is small).

vote The US Midwest�(259)� The US Northeast�(340)� The US South�(404)� The US West�(247)�
I dislike it because it feels creepy 58.5%�(+6.5 / -6.9) 61.8%�(+5.9 / -6.3) 61.6%�(+5.7 / -6.0) 67.2%�(+6.2 / -6.8)
I don't care either way 29.9%�(+6.6 / -5.9) 29.1%�(+5.8 / -5.2) 32.4%�(+5.9 / -5.4) 24.6%�(+6.7 / -5.6)
I like more relevant ads 11.6%�(+5.6 / -4.0) 9.1%�(+5.0 / -3.3) 6.0%�(+4.6 / -2.7) 8.2%�(+5.7 / -3.5)

On everything outside of disliking online tracking the margin of error is wide enough that it is somewhat hard to notice any strong patterns based on population data.

vote Urban areas�(636)� Rural areas�(108)� Suburban areas�(480)�
I dislike it because it feels creepy 58.9%�(+5.0 / -5.1) 61.1%�(+9.0 / -9.8) 62.6%�(+4.5 / -4.7)
I don't care either way 32.3%�(+5.1 / -4.7) 33.9%�(+9.9 / -8.6) 27.6%�(+4.5 / -4.1)
I like more relevant ads 8.8%�(+4.4 / -3.0) 5.0%�(+8.7 / -3.3) 9.8%�(+3.6 / -2.7)

It is also hard to see much of a broad pattern based on income levels.

vote People earning $0-24K�(150)� People earning $25-49K�(691)� People earning $50-74K�(304)� People earning $75-99K�(88)�
I dislike it because it feels creepy 62.2%�(+8.4 / -9.1) 60.2%�(+4.2 / -4.4) 66.5%�(+5.8 / -6.4) 55.1%�(+10.2 / -10.6)
I don't care either way 30.0%�(+9.2 / -7.8) 30.8%�(+4.3 / -4.0) 25.9%�(+6.1 / -5.3) 35.8%�(+10.4 / -9.2)
I like more relevant ads 7.9%�(+8.6 / -4.3) 9.0%�(+3.7 / -2.7) 7.5%�(+5.5 / -3.3) 9.2%�(+9.0 / -4.8)


more info here more info here more info here more info here more info here more info here more info here

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